Invisalign, Brookfield, Oak Creek, Milwaukee, Dental Braces, Braces, 53005, braces 53005

Skip this Internet Trend

Despite popular opinion, the internet might not have all the answers…especially when it comes to your facial structure. The online do-it-yourself facial restructuring trend known as mewing (which, by the way, is not a medical term) suggests that tongue placement can define your jawline. While proper tongue alignment could alter your facial structure, there’s more…
Invisalign, Brookfield, Oak Creek, Milwaukee, Dental Braces, Braces, 53005, braces 53005

My child’s permanent teeth are late coming in. Should we see the dentist or the orthodontist?

See an AAO orthodontist to learn whether there is a reason your child’s permanent teeth are late coming in. Orthodontists look at teeth differently than your dentist does. Something may be blocking the path of unerupted permanent teeth, they may be missing, or it may simply be that your child is on his/her own schedule and…
Invisalign, Brookfield, Oak Creek, Milwaukee, Dental Braces, Braces, Franklin wi, 53005, braces 53005

Know the facts when considering orthodontic treatment as an adult

A common misperception is that you may be too old for orthodontic treatment or your situation is too difficult to consider treatment but this is NOT the case. The deciding factor on whether a patient is a good candidate for treatment is the health of their teeth and gums NOT their age. If the convenience…
Braces, orthodontists, brookfield, oak creek, orthodontics, 53005, braces 53005

6 Facts About Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment Parents Should Know

Problems that will eventually need orthodontic attention can become obvious long before a child has all of their permanent teeth. Depending on the type of problem a child has, an AAO orthodontist may recommend two-phase treatment. It means that treatment is done at two different times, often to take advantage of predictable stages of dental…

Benefits of Seeing and Orthodontist Early

The goal of early treatment is to treat a developing problem before it becomes a long term issue.  While sometimes it is recommended that some orthodontic problems be treated after all permanent teeth have come in, early treatment in children while they still have some baby teeth may be recommended for: Underbites – when the…