Invisalign, Brookfield, Oak Creek, Milwaukee, Dental Braces, Braces, 53005, braces 53005

Taking care of your retainers

It’s really up to you, If your retainers are to do their important job, you must do three things: 1. Wear Them As Directed Retainers are effective only if you faithfully follow your orthodon-tist’s instructions for wearing them. And they’re doing their jobs only when they’re in your mouth, not in your pocket or purse.…
Invisalign, Brookfield, Oak Creek, Milwaukee, Dental Braces, Braces, Franklin wi, 53005, braces 53005

Braces vs Clear Aligners

People who are considering orthodontic treatment usually come prepared with great questions when they consult AAO (American Association of Orthodontists) specialists. The question at the top of the list is often which type of appliance to use to correct their orthodontic problem – braces vs clear aligners? How do they decide? First, keep in mind…